President: Adrian Kwiatkowski

As a self-proclaimed bioscience nerd, Adrian Kwiatkowski is excited to be serving a body of like-minded future health professionals as the 2018-2019 state president. He is constantly looking to grow as a leader and unify those with a passion for healthcare across the state of Arizona.
Now a senior at Red Mountain High School, he is thrilled to be embarking on his fourth year in the Biotechnology program. Fueled by a passion to learn, Adrian has always been drawn to the lab. In it, his constant questioning and research meets his dedication to helping others. Thus, it was only natural to him to join an organization built by students with his same unexplainable joy to push the limits of science and create the future of medicine.
Since first joining in 2016, Adrian has been able to translate his scientific approaches in the lab to valuable experiences in leadership. In 2017 he placed third in Biomedical Laboratory Science and was invited to the International Leadership Conference in Orlando. And at the 2018 Spring Leadership Conference, he and his team earned second place in HOSA Bowl. The last two years in HOSA have been life changing for Adrian and have allowed him to expand a simple curiosity into a world of professionalism.
As a first generation American, Adrian also deeply enjoys exploring different cultures and learning their languages. He has been a member and officer for French Club since Freshman year where he has had the opportunity to expand his knowledge on Francophone culture. Additionally, Adrian has worked diligently since entering high school to become an outstanding student researcher. He recently finished an internship at the ASU Biodesign Institute where he studied miRNAs through pervasive gene editing techniques. He has also served as the Biotech club president and has competed in international bioscience competitions.
The ambiguity found in Alexander Pope’s epigram that reads “A little learning is a dangerous thing” has inspired Adrian’s journey thus far. This year, he is ready to take off his lab coat for a moment, polish his gavel, and serve the outstanding members of Arizona HOSA.
Region 1 Vice President: Hannah Campbell

Hannah Campbell is incredibly grateful to have the opportunity to serve as the 2018-2019 Arizona HOSA Region 1 Vice President. She is thrilled to have the chance to contribute to the organization while she continues to learn from it.
Her first year in HOSA, Hannah had the honor of winning the 2016 State Pin Design. Now entering her fourth year, she has attended two International Leadership Conferences, and is looking forward to attending her third in Dallas. She has qualified in Health Care Issues Exam each time, and had the pleasure of competing in CPR/First Aid with her partner last year in Orlando.
This year, Hannah will be a senior at Bradshaw Mountain High School, and is excited to go through her school’s Nursing Assistant program. After she graduates in 2019, she is planning to attend the University of Arizona. She is contemplating Pre-Medicine or a career in Psychology.
Outside of HOSA, Hannah enjoys her job as a lifeguard and loves the sport of swimming. Hannah also has a passion for art, and paints and sketches in her free time!
“Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.”
This verse by Robert Frost holds meaning for Hannah and other members, because HOSA can be the first time members step out of their comfort zone. The quote has reminded her countless times that sometimes the unknown can lead to great things!
Region 2 Vice President: Alexandra Rolfness
Alexandra Rolfness is honored to be serving as Arizona HOSA’s 2018-2019 Region 2 Vice President. Serving as your Historian/Reporter in the past year, has taught Alexandra valuable lessons about leadership that she hopes to apply to ensure every members’ success in the upcoming year. She is excited to connect with Arizona’s passionate students and promote all of the opportunities that Arizona HOSA has to offer.
As a rising junior, this will be Alex’s third year in HOSA. Alex enjoys learning about healthcare and challenging herself to compete. She has placed 6th and 5th in the state for the Health Care Issues Exam and the Pathophysiology Knowledge Test respectively and is excited to represent Arizona HOSA at the International Leadership Conference.
Alexandra is a part of Paradise Valley High School’s CREST (Center for Research, Engineering, Science, and Technology) bioscience program, and is utilizing the skills she is learning there to learn about the microscopic workings of our body and the environment. She hopes to become a biomolecular engineer in her future and research solutions to issues like the protein folding problem.
Outside of HOSA, Alex has a wide variety of interests ranging from the artistic to the athletic. She is a competitive rower, plays the piano, participates in FIRST robotics, competes in speech and debate, and is captain of her quiz bowl team. Most of all, Alex has a passion for learning, and is always interested random facts or new research.

Region 4 Vice President: Elizabeth Lopez
As a small town girl, Elizabeth López is extremely honored to be serving as your 2018-2019 Region 4 Vice President. She is excited about the upcoming year and eager to meet HOSA members from all over Arizona, that share her passion and love for healthcare. She is excited to take on the world that is HOSA and ready to face any challenge this year.
Elizabeth has been an Arizona HOSA member for the past two years. She was inspired to run for office at last year’s Fall Leadership Conference and become more involved. She has competed in Medical Law and Ethics and placed second at the State Leadership Conference. This year, she plans to become a bronze member in order to aid her community, educate herself in leadership, and learn more about HOSA and its members.
Elizabeth studies at Gila Ridge High School in Yuma AZ, a town near the border, known for its vast production of agriculture, constant heat, and beautiful sunsets. As a rising senior, Elizabeth is part of her school’s Certified Nursing Assistant program, and plans to use her knowledge to better help the elders in her community. Her future plans are to attend the University of Arizona and become a Wildcat majoring in both Spanish and Neuroscience and Cognitive Science, in hopes of going to medical school.
When she isn’t cramming for her next test or busy doing schoolwork , Elizabeth is dancing her heart out on the stage, as a member of her Performing Dance class. As her fourth year in dance she enjoys performing for crowds and interacting with her classmates, who have become her family. She also enjoys reading early in the morning, while she drinks a lukewarm cup of tea. Elizabeth also loves volunteering in her communitiy and helps in a variety of ways from packing boxes at the Yuma Community Foodbank to washing horses at Saddles of Joy.
Thomas J. Nasca, MD once said, “Your soul will be enriched by each person you care for”.
Even before she heard this quote, she has always felt compelled to help others in any way possible. She feels that HOSA members, as the next generation of future health professionals, can be the change a person needs, a voice that guides them, or the hand that a patient needs to hold. Helping others is a privilege and only enriches the lives of those who do so.

Secretary: BriyaMarie Contreras
BriyaMarie Contreras is ecstatic to serve as the 2018 - 2019 Arizona HOSA Secretary.
She is delighted to serve for and grow with members that inspire her greatly.
This year will mark BriyaMarie’s third year as a member of HOSA. Her first year she was recognized a silver member and competed in CERT at SLC. As her passion for HOSA grew, her involvement did as well. Her second year she was recognized as a gold member, competed in Nursing Assisting at SLC, and was elected to serve on the 2018 - 2019 state officer team.
BriyaMarie recently graduated from Paradise Valley High School’s Nursing Assistant Program, through which she received in the fall and will be majoring in Kinesiology in the College of Health Solutions. BriyaMarie is determined to become a Physical Therapist and help those in need by providing them with courage, strength, and a growth mindset.
Outside of HOSA, BriyaMarie is constantly improving her physical well being as she participates in cross country, karate, and weight lifting. She also loves to sharpen her intellect by reading many books and articles of various genres. BriyaMarie has great passion to serve others which she has expressed through volunteering as a Teens in Nursing volunteer for Hospice of the Valley - Gardiner Home.
Paulo Coelho once wrote “When we love, we always strive to become better than we are. When we strive to become better than we are, everything around us becomes better too.”. These words have inspired BriyaMarie to be better version of herself each and every day. She believes the members of HOSA and there love for the health profession, are those of many who make the health profession better one day at a time.

Historian/Reporter: Josie Dahir
Josie Dahir is honored to be serving as the 2018-2019 Arizona HOSA Historian Reporter! HOSA was her jumpstart into a new world of leadership, and she is excited to be giving back to the organization that helped her find the passion for serving others!
This coming year will mark her fifth year in HOSA and she couldn’t be more excited! After serving as a local officer for 3 years, Josie is excited to start this new journey as a first-time state officer! She has attended the State Leadership Conference for the past four years, placed in the Top 3 in Extemporaneous Health Poster each time, placed in the Top Ten at the 2017 International Leadership Conference in Orlando, and is a two time Platinum Member.
Josie will be attending the University of Arizona in the fall and will be double majoring in Plant Sciences and Illustration and Graphic Design! Having just graduated from Paradise Valley High School’s CREST (Center for Research in Engineering, Science, and Technology) Bioscience program, she hopes to combine her love of science and art and find a career in research or scientific illustration!
Besides HOSA, Josie loves anything of the arts and frequently dabbles in many different forms of visual arts! At any event, you will most likely find her with a camera in hand and a sketchbook in her backpack. In addition, she also loves to crochet, take care of her plants, and occasionally do target shooting at her local archery range. She recently completed an internship at the Desert Botanical Gardens in their genetic research lab, which only fueled her love for nature!
Even though it is a simple phrase, Josie believes in the words “you’re going to be amazing”, specifically in the instance from Griffin McElroy. No matter what challenge or new opportunity on the horizon, Josie believes that when HOSA members set their mind too it, anyone can achieve their dreams!
Josie looks forwards to capturing your moments this year as an Arizona HOSA state officer!

Parliamentarian: Javin Patel
Javin Patel is incredibly thrilled and honored to be serving Arizona HOSA - Future Health Professionals as the 2018-2019 Parliamentarian. He is very excited to meet and connect with different HOSA chapters across Arizona this year.
Javin has been in HOSA for 3 years now, with his HOSA journey beginning during his freshman year of high school. Throughout his journey, Javin has qualified for and attended the International Leadership Conference, competing in the Healthcare Issues Exam, and has placed top 5 in Prepared Speaking at the state competition.
Javin is currently a senior at Centennial High School and loves taking all of the science and medical courses that his school offers. After high school, Javin plans to attend The University of Arizona and pursue a degree in neuroscience and cognitive science. This will help to bring him one step closer to his dream of becoming a neurosurgeon with a specialty in traumatic brain surgery in the future.
Outside of HOSA, Javin enjoys dedicating his time to a variety of activities. Javin loves volunteering at a local hospital and shadowing different medical professionals whenever he gets the opportunity. At his school, Javin is also involved in the National Speech and Debate Association, National Honor Society, and DECA. During his free time, he likes to relax by playing soccer or tennis.
Javin is inspired by the words of Mahatma Gandhi, “Be the change you wish to see in the world.” Being a part of HOSA involves a lot of dedication and compassion for others and this quote illustrates one of the many unique foundations for health professionals that are encompassed within HOSA.