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Meet the 2022-2023 State Officer Candidates

Take a moment to get to know the 2022-2023 Ariozna HOSA State Officer Candidates! If you are a Voting Delegate, check out the Coting Delegate Packet and make sure that you have submitted your forms.


All Arizona HOSA members can meet the State Officer Candidates at SLC at the Azul Overlook. 

C mattingly.jpg
Charity Mattingly

Candidate for President

Aurora Marshall

Candidate for Region 1 Vice President

Candidate for President

Candidate for Region 1 VP

Candidates for Region 2 Vice President

Alle Akram

Candidate for Region 2 Vice President

Hannah Woodruff

Candidate for Region 2 Vice President

Candidates for Region 3 Vice President

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Edly Montoya

Candidate for Region 3 Vice President

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Jasika Naaim

Candidate for Region 3 Vice President

Clarissa Magdaleno

Candidate for Region 4 Vice President

Candidate for Region 4 VP

Candidates for Postsecondary/Collegiate Vice President

Reanne Espiritu

Candidate for Postsecondary/Collegiate Vice President

Jairo Flores

Candidate for Postsecondary/Collegiate Vice President

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Ira Puranik

Candidate for Secretary

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Alia Hernandez

Candidate for Historian/Reporter

Candidate for Secretary

Candidate for Historian/Reporter

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Meghana Tripuraneni

Candidate for Parliamentarian

Candidate for Parliamentarian

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